Our online journal class with Carole Brungar at Madness and Mess is lots of fun, and we're making great progress. The journal will have that "shabby yet chic" look. That's why Carole's latest advice to us is to "embellish the embellishments", meaning layers and added bits of lace, buttons, fabric... whatever. So here are a few of my embellishments. They'll soon find a home on the pages of my journal, which is under construction. One of my favorite things about Carole's class is that at last I'm using those necessary items I collected for so long, for "someday". Someday is here!!

These small bits make a good carry-along project. Today while waiting for a doctor's appointment I was stitching away. I even had a very cute audience in the form of a 4-year-old girl and her 3-year-old brother. They had loads of questions and seemed quite entranced watching the sewing. And they loved holding the bag of tiny buttons and picking out the colors. It made the short wait go by quickly for all of us. That natural childish curiosity combined with the novelty of the paper, laces, images, and buttons created some strong magnetism. They, unlike some adults, did not even ask why I would do such a thing as to sew buttons and lace onto paper. I appreciated that. It's really hard to explain.
And finally, this little package contains an altered Altoid tin for my swap partner from the Yahoo Group MMArtFriends. We're doing a book study on "Mixed Mania". I'll put a picture here of the tin once my swap partner receives this. Don't want to spoil the suprise should she happen on this post. I made the paper holder for the tin using the Funky Folder Template from Stampington & Company.