This small quilt, described by our instructor Jane Sassaman as a "sampler" of circles, is the result of a one-day class titled "Sun, Moon, and Stars". The class was one of many offered at the annual Honeybee Quilt Retreat in Jacksonville, FL. Not only were we treated to an inspiring image show of Jane's beautiful quilts, but also learned about her design and construction methods. Then we began to make circles, using iron-on interfacing to stabilize them for stitching to the background fabric. And the stitching became a sampler of its own. Edges were secured using a selection of decorative sewing machine stitches and threads. It was fun to experiment and get to sew stitches that are under-used for the most part.

My friend Joanne Nolt flew down from Philadelphia to attend this retreat and participate in another two-day class also taught by Jane. That's Joanne on the right, teacher Jane Sassaman in the center, and me, left.

I've chosen most of the fabrics, but only a few shapes are cut. They've been arranged and rearranged. And will be again! Who knows where this will end up? So this is a project to finish in the weeks ahead. No pressure. Much of the enjoyment is in the process.
The first photo below has a "borrowed" element from the circles quilt shown at the beginning of this post. I placed it in this design temporarily, but decided it belonged where it was originally intended. Can you find it?
The middle photo below shows a good reflection of how I work... kind of messy, making lots of piles, and requiring a good deal of space.

Since we're talking about circles, here's looking at you, kid! Whose eyes are these?? Stop in later this week and I'll show you who.