Saturday, December 24, 2022
Santa Claus is Coming to Town...
Monday, December 19, 2022
'Tis the Season...
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
New Life for Denim Scraps...
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Tall Timbers Calling...

Coincidentally, one of the group members had this cute market bag with her that day. It had the same bright and whimsical tree feel as the quilt, so I wanted to show it in this post.
Saturday, October 8, 2022
All Dressed Up...
Here's my latest fashion statement made with some paper, paint, machine and hand stitching, and embellishments. There is actually a series of these little dresses all displayed in an accordion book.
We kept making and making, so I have a few extra backgrounds and dresses. I may use them in notecards.
Here's how the accordion book looks- it's not easy to get a clear photo of it, but hopefully you get the idea! Fodder School 2 is now underway, and I've signed up for that as well so will hope to have more mixed media projects to share in the coming months.
Friday, September 16, 2022
Part of the Whole...
I'm sure you've heard of Quilts of Valor- the volunteer organization that has a mission of providing quilts to members of military service and veterans in thanks for their service. More than 300,000 quilts have been awarded in the 20 years the organization has existed. We have volunteer Cathy Washburn, an active dedicated member of Country Road Quilters in Ocala, who leads members in making these quilts for the organization. She prepares kits of pieces that members sew into blocks, and eventually into completed quilts. Cathy is planning an award ceremony at the guild for this November. This is one of the blocks that will become part of the whole. So while none of us can do everything, all of us can do something... and that makes a difference!
Sunday, September 4, 2022
Burnin' Daylight...
Longarm quilter Debra Johnston chose what I thought was an interesting and effective quilting motif to use as she finished the quilt before I bound and labeled it. A friend from guild told me that the backdrop for this image is Monument Valley where a number of John Wayne westerns were filmed. Burnin' Daylight was one of the best-known John Wayne (The Duke) quotes according to an internet search. Well, it was a super-simple quilt project, but our cowboy friend is very, very happy with his quilt!
Saturday, August 6, 2022
True Blue Quilting ...
These large quilt squares are the result of a fabric dyeing class I took a couple of years ago. The methods we used to manipulate the fabric produced the radiating designs that I find so appealing. Instructor Cindy Lohbeck led a class of about 25 members through every step, from folding and clamping to immersing the fabric bundles into a dye bath. And she did it all in a convention center classroom that had brand new carpet! We had strict instructions on what to do if even a tiny drop of dye landed on the carpeting. I believe we made it through the class with the carpet unscathed! Pretty impressive. Anyway, I transported these lovely, but still wet, squares home (again, without any mishap in the car's interior), then rinsed and dried them. And there they sat, in all their glory, in my fabric stash. Every now and again I'd get the squares out to admire them and consider how to combine them in a quilt. My plan was to make a quilt-as-you-go project (QAYG). I'd layer the squares with batting and backing, free-motion quilt each square on my sewing machine, and then join them together with narrow fabric strips to make the large quilt. It's a manageable way to handle machine quilting, and I always need practice at that skill. The quilt is reversible, which is a bonus. The reverse side, shown below, was made using commercial cotton fabrics in the same blue family as the dyed pieces.
The dyed squares might be still sitting in the closet but for a fun project our local quilt guild came up with. It's called The UFO Project. Members were invited to list 6 unfinished quilt projects they want to complete in the coming year, and submit the list to our leader. She would then draw a number from one to six, and set a completion date two months hence. Our task would be to complete the quilt from our list that matched the number she drew and have it ready for show-and-tell on the appointed date. What a great motivator! Happily, I got to work on "True Blues" and finished it in time. There was an excellent response and 15+ members participated in the big reveal. Everyone felt good about getting a long-abandoned project across the finish line. That same night, our leader drew the next number and we have another UFO to bring to life. My next one is a project started in a class at the last big quilt show I attended before large events shut down in 2020. Stay tuned!
Monday, July 11, 2022
Soft Stuff...
And in other "soft stuff" news- two groups of quilters volunteered to knit or crochet small infant hats to be delivered to a maternity hospital in Tanzania this fall. A friend asked if I could help her meet the goal of having 300 hats for the trip. I don't knit or crochet, but I know many quilters who enjoy both of these crafts in addition to quilting. And they have generous hearts, too. Between the two guilds I asked, members made more than 150 of these little hats- half the goal. Quilters always step up!
Sunday, June 26, 2022
And Then There Were Three...
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Just Things...
I've developed the good habit of taking notes on a variety of topics, but a bad habit of writing them on post-it notes, scraps of paper, or whatever is handy. So my notes are pretty disorganized which makes it hard to go back to find information. Maybe with these colorful journals I'll grow into a better practice of keeping notes in one place! I found the idea for these in a book titled "Last Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts" by Joelle Hoverson.
I set aside the scraps trimmed from the big quilt I'm working on by stuffing them into the empty tissue box seen in the upper right. Then I sewed an old t-shirt into a pillow shape, stuffed it with the scraps, and added a fabric cover to make a pet beds- actually there were enough scraps for two of them. The soft beds go to the local humane society via our quilt guild's community service coordinator. I have a few other small projects going on, so I'll be back soon with more!