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They’re both a part of this quilt I recently finished. Math because it’s a free Layer Cake (10” squares) pattern from Moda called “Basic Math”. Bubbles because that’s the edge-to-edge quilt design Kim Hart, long-arm quilter, and I agreed would be just the ticket for this very geometric quilt. Kim is the talented quilter from The Busy Bobbin here in Florida. I first saw this quilt made by Susan of Studio Adventures. Her quilt, which you can see here, was done in bright, happy colors. I had the Barcelona Layer Cake here in the sewing room just waiting for a quilt to land in. So here it is- simple, fun, and bright.
Here’s a close-up of Kim’s quilting done in a flame-color variegated thread. Plus you can see some of the print patterns a bit better here. Susan also made a Barcelona quilt- these same fabric prints but pieced in a different pattern. You can see that one of hers here.
More bubbles and fabrics. I love this fabric line! Speaking of quilting projects, Elizabeth at Altered Book Lover blog invited me to be her guest in a post on her blog. She conducted an e-mail interview, and then chose photos from my blog to illustrate the article. I must say, Elizabeth made me look good, so kudos to her! It was fun to review my blog through her eyes, and there were some photos I'd almost forgotten about. Plus I’ve met some new blog-land friends thanks to her post. If you’d like to take a look, here’s the link.
What might this little wad of loveliness be? Why it’s a “Snippet Roll”. A Snippet Roll is a repository for all those little bits we just cannot part with, but that pile up in the sewing room. I first noticed Snippet Rolls on Carole Brungar’s Madness and Mess blog, but now have seen them on many textile blogs, especially those with a vintage theme. They make for a very satisfying hand work project, stitching all those embellishments and trims. Rolled up they are tiny, pretty, and inviting.
Once unrolled, there’s a lot more to look at. This Snippet Roll began when I paid the shipping for a selection of ephemera from Kimberly’s studio at Art Joy Stuff. It arrived in the mail last week, one fully stuffed envelope filled with Valentine-themed trims and ephemera. The photos are below. After adding to the collection, I started the Snippet Roll with a long muslin strip to which I stitched lace and small paper images. Then I hand stitched even more little bits that seemed to go with the theme- handmade beads, yo-yos, buttons, sequins. I added a few pieces of lace to the back side with glue just to cover some of the stitching while keeping it flat and avoiding adding bulk. At the top, I made a fold-over sleeve through which I threaded the baker’s string. That string allows me to tie the roll closed, or hang it on the wall when it’s open.
This tin was one of the containers filled with goodies. I’m a big fan of tins, too, so this fits right into the sewing room collection.
Do you remember Schraft’s chocolates? The other container was this vintage Schraft’s candy box which was also stuffed with paper and fiber bits.
Here’s a peek inside the heart tin. It’s not as if I don’t have bits of lace and other items quite similar to these in my own sewing room. No, it’s just that other peoples’ stuff is better! I always feel that way at a quilt class when I look around the room and see everyone else’s fabrics. Their stuff is just better.
Kimberly had placed a Bingo card neatly wrapped with pink lace, ribbon, and sequins on top in the candy box. And there was more beneath it. I immediately began sifting through and the contents sparked the Snippet Roll. Being pretty spontaneous with projects, everything else got set aside while I jumped in to make the Snippet Roll. And I didn’t stop until it was done. Plus I started another one! They are great fun.
Since we’re discussing good things coming in the mail and ephemera, it’s a good time to mention the very intriguing and thoughtful post on “Ephemera vs. Hoarding” at Creatology. It’s all about sorting, storing, and saving all of the wonderful collectibles and memorabilia we gather. And it’s also good time to show you the gorgeous bubble wand I received from Creatology, just because she’s generous and surprises her followers with a hand-crafted gift from time to time. It was my time, and this wonderful beaded and wrapped wire bubble wand arrived in the mail. Don’t you love it?
Over the years, I’ve collected things that just cannot be discarded. This Christmas card was made by a woman in her 80s who still did tatting. Those little flowers are so delicate. I’m not sure where I found the hosiery mending kit. Hosiery mending! Imagine. But inside are needle and several colors of thread, along with 5 sticky tabs meant to moisten and apply to a run to stop it. It was an advertising promotional put out by Wonder Bread. And now it’s just a collectible, because who needs to repair hosiery anymore? It’s an anachronism, and lots of people wouldn’t even know what the little kit was intended for. I also strolled by the free table at our guild and saw the lonely heart below lying there. It’s all hand quilted and nobody wanted it. I couldn’t just leave the heart there, now could I? It's too pretty to be lonely. And that’s the story of my burgeoning collection of bits and pieces of this and that. All of it just follows me home!
There is something about vintage quilts that I just love! A quilting friend gifted me with this vintage Bow Tie quilt top. It had “aged” for awhile riding around in her car while she decided what to do with it. Then she remembered how much I like old quilts, and knew I’d give it a good home. The old fabrics are a fascinating study, and I could spend all kinds of time poring over the blocks and appreciating the prints.
Just look at the gray mourning print at the lower left, along with various indigo blues. But I’m really taken with the vibrance of the fuchsia print at the center. Although thin, the quilt top has retained its color and is in good shape. It’s all hand pieced with less-than-quarter-inch seams. Wow!
Receiving this old quilt top reminded me that I had a thing for Bow Tie quilts some years back. I made two- one wall-hanging, and the other more of a miniature. Both used the same fabric line, but in different color ways. My favorite earthy browns and greens came first. It’s hand quilted and still in use on the back of a sofa. The other is also hand quilted. For awhile I did a study on all the different ways you can piece a Bow Tie block. Dimensional ones were popular at the time, but all I could think of was the dust that would find its way into the folds, so I steered clear of those.
Speaking of providing a good home, meet Abby. Once again we were not seeking another pet. And yet… meet Abby. My husband was eating at a restaurant near the interstate when he and others spotted her in or near a dumpster looking for food. She was emaciated and weak. Everyone expressed concern, but most were traveling on the highway and could not help. So Jack brought her home. I will spare you a photo of her in the first days- she was a sad sight. A visit to the vet started her on the right road. I called her the girl with everything because she had fleas, parasites, and even heart worm. But at least she was not expecting puppies! She’s a very sweet girl and is gaining weight and strength. She’s been spayed and we’ve started on some basic obedience classes because she is completely clueless about walking on a leash without tripping me up and not jumping. But she’s smart and wants to please, and gets along very well with Scooter, our other rescue pup. The vet estimated that Abby is about a year old. She’s marked very pretty. After a brief wrestling match, Jack got her coat on her and she seems quite content to wear it on the colder days. She’s a nice girl and I think she plans to stay! I'll share more photos of her when she's in better rig.