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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Blogging at the Speed of... Molasses.

We had a power outage the other day and when I turned the computer back on, it could harldy get out of its own way! Just terribly, awfully s--l--o--w. It's going to sick bay tomorrow. I have some things to share with you, but will have to wait until...?? I time out and lose things before getting things uploaded. Hopefully there will be a remedy very soon, and my fingers are crossed that this post will be uploaded successfully.

Meanwhile, thanks so very much to those who follow this blog and keep up with the various projects. I really appreciate it, and treasure your comments when you have time to make them. And thanks for you patience while problems get resolved. Enjoy the final weeks of summer, and I'll be back soon. Best from Nancy


Nancy said...

We'll miss you but we all understand computer issues.....They always crop up at the most inconvenient times.....

I hope you are enjoying the final days of summer yourself....

Robbie said...

Geezzz don't you just hate computer problems..just out of our control, which makes it 10 times more frustrating! Hang in there and soon you'll be back typing away!

Unknown said...

Honestly, Nancy, there must be something in the air. I know so many people who's computers have had to go to 'sick bay'. (That term makes me smile because that's where we got sent in boarding school!) So .. here's hoping for a speedy recovery. Donna