Sit right down in this comfy Tropical Dream Chair. It’s pretty inviting, isn’t it? And it’s not even finished yet. But I was bitten by the Dream Chair bug and had to plow through my novelty print scraps to “design” not just one, but several dream chairs. The pattern is from Alethea Ballard, and I’ve had it for quite awhile. I’d take it out of the pattern file, dream about making it, and then put it back because other projects were pending. But when I saw this palm tree print at JoAnn Fabrics on their “regional collection” shelf, I knew I needed to upholster a Dream Chair with it and got right to work. The chair still needs the right fabrics for its room setting, and borders, but I decided to show it now just because.
And why make one Dream Chair when there were other prints in the stash from which to make the Rodeo Dream Chair? Both chairs still need some shading in the chair creases to add dimension, and they have a way to go before completion. I’m thinking there are two or three more chairs in the fabric closet. And I’m pretty sure one of them is a Christmas Dream Chair! These were great fun to work on. Both are raw-edge fusible projects.
Here’s another chair I worked on recently. Our daughter kept this old chair from her grandmother’s furnishings. It was pretty disreputable looking, but the wood was good and the carving very pretty. So I turned it into a pink-with-patchwork project to give it an extended life. I’m happiest when I’m working on some kind of sewing or crafting project. Big quilts take me quite some time to complete, so I like to fill in with smaller projects like these. I’ll keep you posted on that Christmas Dream Chair. I think I better get started on it soon!
In a twist of serendipity, when I'd almost finished writing this post, a box of scrap fabrics arrived in the mail. They were from Quilt Diva Julie at Me and My Quilts blog. She was divesting of some fabric scraps and yarns, and for the cost of shipping, I received a lovely collection. Including, for heaven's sake, this print of... what else... chairs and sofas! What fun. I've sorted through the scraps and also found the ones seen behind the chair print. I think they'll look good with the Rodeo Dream Chair so I've put those aside. I've been wanting to make a Ragged String quilt, and that's where most of the remaining strips will go. Why are other people's scraps so much more interesting than our own??