Scared you, didn't I? Relax, it's just a pin cushion. But take a look at these little Halloween banners, below, made by Norma on our recent quilting retreat. Aren't they cute?

And speaking of spooky things, there is quite a story behind the rather large pile of thread, shown below. It was a dark and stormy night... Oh, no, that's a line from a book. Actually we were at the quilting retreat, but it was late at night. I crossed the room to deliver some blocks to a pile of charity quilt blocks. As I walked towards the pile, I was "clothes-lined" by something gossamer thin and cob-webby feeling. I pulled at my neck, and Jean, another guild member noted something extending along the room at the same time.
She followed it one way, I went another. I located the source of this cob-webby thing... it was Norma Jean's sewing kit! Apparently when Norma Jean left the sewing room headed for her dorm room, the thread she was using attached somehow to her person and trailed her for hundreds of feet, all the way to her room.
We pulled and pulled, and this is the resulting tangle of thread we retrieved. Must be worth about $5! So we put it by Norma Jean's sewing table, and Jean added a sign that said "Please detach all threads before exiting the building." Norma Jean said she felt "something" on her, and brushed it off at the door of her room. Well we recovered that "something" and here's a photo to prove it. We had a lot of laughs over this, and everyone agreed you couldn't make it happen if you tried.

Happy Halloween.