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Saturday, March 19, 2022

No-Cal Sundaes and More Eye-Candy ...


These sweet little sundaes are not fattening at all because they are pincushions! I made one of these as a donation for a raffle basket and showed it in a post here. At our quilt show where the basket was offered, a visitor saw the pincushion and asked if I'd make some for her. Here's the result! The pincushion requires simple supplies- fabric scraps, floss, beads, fiber-fil, glass marbles, glue, and an ice cream dish. And voila! A sundae pincushion happens.

The pincushion itself is pieced from 8 fabric wedges to form what looks like a big yo-yo which is stuffed with fiber-fil. The wedges are then stitched and wrapped with embroidery floss to shape the piece and give it some oomph. The topper is one of my T-shirt beads (cotton ball wrapped with cotton knit strips and beaded). And I used E-6000 glue to attach the pincushion to the glass dish. That part was a little tricky because I didn't want the glue to be visible, so targeting the right areas on the dish and the pincushion took some finesse. There are three more dishes to fill, so I better get busy. 

And while we are speaking of sewing and donations, I also made this cute Boxer dog pillow. Our son is launching a new business called Carolina Real Food for Dogs (healthy, fresh-prepped dog food). He'll be introducing it at a dog-friendly event near Charlotte, NC, on April 9 (rain date April 10) called Carolina Bark Fest. The Carolina Boxer Rescue group will have a tent at the event, so I donated the pillow and a fabric covered journal for their fundraising efforts. I found the Boxer panel and the fabric prints on Etsy. I'm planning to attend Bark Fest- if you are near there, come and join in the fun!

Let's not forget the cats! This adorable wool felt, stitched and beaded cat was made by fellow art maker and animal lover Jan Brattain of Laughing Dog Arts blog. Jan doesn't blog as much now, but you can find her on Instagram. Jan made this kitty heart as a gift for a friend. She started it some time back after seeing the free tutorial on Design Matters which I linked in my previous post, but had set it aside. As things work in the creative world, Jan saw the motto cushion posted in this blog and was inspired to pull out her project again and finish it. She gave permission to show the finished project here. Isn't it wonderful.... right down to the whiskers? I just love the whimsical nature of kitty, and I love how we keep each other going creatively! Now I think I need to make more of these.  If you just love these, too, check out the free tutorial linked above, and get even more ideas from artist Jane LaFazio. She has a gallery portfolio of the many heart-shaped felt milagros she's made and she offers an online class for stitching them. Happy stitching, and thanks to Jan for sharing her project.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your latest pin cushion is lovely. How nice you donated one and got a commission to make four more. How sweet of you to make that dog pillow and journal, too. It's really cute. But you know I love cats, so Jan's cat is wonderful. Too bad I'm not on Instagram, or I would leave her a comment.

Jan said...

Your pincushions are wonderful! I've made a few pincushions myself but none like yours. And the boxer pillow is so pretty. Have you ever watched on youtube the Australian Doggy Day Care videos? they are fun and often boxers are on there. I'll bet the dog rescue place appreciated that beautiful donation. Thanks for featuring my cat heart. Looks kinda goofy but it'll do. I loved yours and took a look at Jane's too. wow! She has made a lot of them! And thanks, Bleubeard and Elizabeth for your kind comment on my cat, I appreciate it.