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Saturday, April 16, 2022

Fun New Way to Color Easter Eggs..


This is just a class sample, so don't look for quality in this colorful Easter egg! But it's the product of a fun class taught in my guild by instructor Brenda Crisci. Brenda introduced us to using Derwent Inktense Pencils, a permanent ink coloring medium for fabric and paper. The ink color from the pencils is activated by water or other wet medium on the fabric surface, and can be moved around, lightened, or darkened while it’s wet. But once dry, the color is permanent, making it a good choice for art quilt projects. Inktense colors are more vibrant and intense than watercolors, hence the name. Brenda kept reminding us, "If it's wet, it walks." You can see that a blob of color "walked" into one of the blue stripes. Lesson learned. And it still needs to be corrected somehow. Brenda encouraged us to go with "mistakes" and just consider them part of the learning. She also showed how we can overlay the colored surface with elements such as the Zentangle designs in mine. This piece still has a ways to go in terms of adding more  elements and maybe more colors. But it's a start and a good reference for future projects.

The pencils come in sets containing various numbers of pencils and colors. This is the giant 72 pencil size. My own is the more modest set of 24. But we can always blend colors as needed. 

One great tip from Brenda- swatch the colors. She numbered and labeled each color swatch so she doesn't have to guess or experiment to find the color she's looking for.

Another of our class samples was this technique trial. This example isn't mine, but they were all similar. We tried blending colors, stamping with the pencil colors, using a doily as a stencil, adding marks and more. We also got a kit with some color applicators in the form of make up brushes and sponges that were useful for controlling the color. We used only water to activate the color on our projects, though some fiber artists use aloe gel for more control. All in all, we spent a fun afternoon coloring and learning. Have you tried Inktense pencils?


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your Easter egg is colored beautifully. I am blown away by the colors and the things you made in that class. Sounds like you learned a lot, too. I have heard really good things about Inktense pencils, but they are a bit rich for my pocketbook. I sure like what you achieved with yours, though.

Have a safe and blessed Easter, dear.

Robbie said...

I love using these pencils....actually, I thought the dark area was done on purpose! Looks like tendrils! I like the pencil swatch! That's a great idea and what a good reference when using these pencils. Nicely done! HAPPY EASTER!

Jan said...

You will easily be able to fix that color blot. Another flower perhaps? Yes I have the inktense blocks and use them now and then. When I remember to. they do give very intense color. Your egg is very clever. Have fun with the colors!

The Inside Stori said...

I’m finally catching up reading blogs……after some welcome and long awaited for family time. Several of my buddies have been using Inktense for a long time……I admire and admire what you’ve done…..enough now to take the plunge!