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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Taking Flight...

 Have you ever seen a Rosy Moth? The real one is even more colorful and pink than this stitched one, which is hand-painted and stitched. Artist Lisa Goddard was an instructor for Making Zen, a free online stitching retreat and this was her project. It was such fun to make, and like many of the small projects I'm drawn to, it makes use of all those bits and pieces collected over years of sewing. I'm pretty sure another moth is taking shape in my mind right now. If the free retreat is offered again, I recommend enrolling. Many instructors offer tutorials and projects in an array of stitching methods.

And sticking with the theme of flying things, who wouldn't want to sew a housefly? These are so cute you would not want to swat them I'm sure. Anne Wood Handmade offered a free "House Fly Rag Doll" tutorial and template that will have you stitching rather than swatting flies. Our Fiber Art Bee decided to make a whole swarm and send them to a sewing friend who is under the weather. One member found an old-fashioned metal-screen swatter and engineered a way to attach the whole swarm to present to him with our best wishes. The blue fly at the upper right is named Splatz and was gifted to me by Celeste Beck of Goatfeathers Studio, who also could not resist making more than one fly. I made the others and they are as yet unnamed. The furry-bodied guy in the lower left was started by a member but not completed. She gave it to me and I finished the job. Houseflies are pests? I think not.

Next, our quilt guild asked us to make felt "word birds" to use as centerpieces for the next holiday luncheon. Each member will get to take a bird home at the end of the event. So there was some more stitching fun!

I was so taken with this Harmony Bird that he's going to stay and live here in the sewing room with me. Believe it or not, I had to ask our coordinator for some felt scraps to make these birds because I have very little in my stash. Imagine that! Not words I use often- Very little in my stash!