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Sunday, November 1, 2020

DIY Sewing Machine...


Things have been quiet in the sewing room lately. However, I've always admired collage quilts designed by Laura Heine. So when our guild offered a class to learn the methods for making one, I was happy to sign up. That was last Spring when the class had to be postponed due to the pandemic. At last the guild found a large and well-ventilated classroom where a small group could safely meet to have the long-awaited class. I chose the #5 collection in the Teeny Tiny pattern series which included this sewing machine along with a dress form and a pin cushion design. This project will measure about 16" x 24" once complete. All sorts of little fabric motifs are at home in a collage quilt. A quilting friend shared her Singer and sewing scraps for some of them. This project is almost ready to be quilted. But before that, I need to study it for a bit to see if there are any further additions or adjustments to make. What would you add? Collage quilts are imaginative and fun... and fussy. Quite enjoyable all in all.

And I just wanted to show you this unusual visitor to our barn. I've never seen a snail quite like it before, so had to snap his photo and look up some information on it. Mainly I wanted to see if it was toxic to animals since we have several. It's a Rosy Wolfsnail. They are somewhat exotic and are considered invasive since they dine on other snails and slugs and can eradicate the snail population. Have you seen one like it? Florida certainly has its share of unusual creatures.